Payables Report


The Payables Report provides details about the amount for each supplier the buyer should pay to the bank on the invoice due date. The report details the invoice information, financing details and overdue information.

Data Dictionary

  1. Invoice Number - The unique identifier for the invoice.

  2. Invoice Id - SAP document ID generated in the buyer's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

  3. Financed Type - Indicates whether the financing covers 100% of the invoice net amount or a certain percentage.

  4. Invoice Date - The date the invoice was issued.

  5. Payment Date - The date when the invoice payment was actually made.

  6. Due Date - Date the invoice payment is expected from the buyer to the bank.

  7. Revised Due Date - The adjusted due date considering holidays configured for the buyer in the platform.

  8. Bank Projected Payable - The amount the buyer is expected to pay to the bank for the invoice.

  9. Bank Name - Name of the bank to which the buyer has to pay for this particular supplier.

  10. Savings - The financial benefit (arbitrage) gained by the buyer from the difference between the bank discount and the supplier discount.

  11. DPO Days - Average number of days a buyer takes to pay the invoice amount to its banks.

  12. Overdue Amount, Days, and Interest - If the invoice amount is not paid by the buyer on the due date, these fields show the amount, days overdue, and interest incurred.

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