Prelims Processing Report


The Prelims Processing Report, also known as the Invoice Processing Report, details all invoices uploaded by the buyer to the DDRX platform. It includes key information such as supplier details, invoice numbers, dates, amounts, and reasons for processing.

Data Dictionary

  1. Supplier Name - The name of the supplier.

  2. Supplier Code - The unique identifier for the supplier.

  3. Invoice Number - The unique identifier for the invoice.

  4. Invoice Date - The date the invoice was issued.

  5. Due Date - The date the invoice payment is due.

  6. Adjusted Due Date - Any adjustments made to the original due date. For instance, if the due date falls on a holiday configured in the platform, the Adjusted Due Date may be either before or after the original due date.

  7. Prelims Date - The date the invoice was either uploaded to or received on the platform.

  8. Gross Amount - The total amount of the invoice before any deductions, adjustments, or discounts.

  9. Invoice Net Amount - The final amount of the invoice after any deductions, adjustments, or discounts are applied.

  10. Reason - The reason for processing the invoice, such as fundable invoice, non-fundable invoice (full payment), vendor-level adjustment, and SC/PC line item adjustment.

    • Non-fundable invoice (full payment) - These invoices have a zero Invoice Net Amount since the Gross Amount is payable in full to the supplier.

    • Vendor-level adjustment invoice - This type of invoice is adjusted with any invoice uploaded on the Prelims Date within the platform.

    • SC/PC line item invoice - These invoices are adjusted only with their parent invoice. For example, invoice P3600005SC would be adjusted with invoice P3600005.

What Is SC/PC?

  • Shortage Claim (SC) - This adjustment might represent a credit issued by the supplier for various reasons such as returns, damaged goods, and so on.

  • Price Claim (PC) - This adjustment usually indicates a correction made to the pricing of specific items on the invoice, often due to discrepancies in pricing agreements between buyer and supplier.

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