Rate Contract Report


The Rate Contract Report serves as a summary of a specific supplier's historical discount rates configured for them within the DDRX platform. It offers insights into suppliers who have established fixed-rate contracts with the buyer. This report entails essential details including the supplier's name, vendor code, fixed rate, rate type, effective from date, expiration date, tenure in days, and the current status of the contract.

Data Dictionary

  1. Vendor Name - The name of the supplier.

  2. Vendor Code - The unique identifier for the supplier.

  3. Fixed Rate % - The fixed discount rate applied for the invoices throughout the duration of the contract.

  4. Rate Type - The type of rate, such as annual.

  5. From Date - The start date from which the fixed rate becomes effective.

  6. To Date - The end date until which the fixed rate remains applicable.

  7. Tenure (Days) - The duration, in days, for which the fixed rate is valid.

  8. Status - Indicates the current state of the fixed rate, whether it's active, disabled, or expired.

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