Current Configuration Report


This report provides a comprehensive overview of CredAble buyers and their current configuration details. It includes key information such as the Buyer Name, Vendor Name, Vendor Code, Funding Type, Saving Type, and Bank Name. The report aims to offer clear insights into the funding arrangements and associated banks for each supplier. Understanding these details is crucial for effective financial management and decision-making. Use the Data Dictionary to get detailed descriptions of each data field included in the report.

Data Dictionary

  1. Vendor Name - The name of the supplier.

  2. Vendor Code: - The unique identifier for the supplier.

  3. Funding Type - Indicates whether the funding is provided by the bank or the buyer's treasury. Treasury funding means the invoice amount is funded directly by the buyer.

  4. Saving Type - Indicates whether the saving type is arbitrage saving or same as bank.

  5. Bank Name - The name of the bank associated with the supplier funding.

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