UTR Pending Report


The UTR Pending Report offers insights into outstanding transactions awaiting reconciliation. By capturing essential details such as buyer and seller information, invoice numbers, and payment due dates, this report assists buyer admins or anyone in managing cash flows effectively.

Data Dictionary

  1. Org Name - The name of the buyer.

  2. Batch Id - A unique identifier for a group of invoices processed together.

  3. Vendor Id - The unique identifier for the supplier.

  4. Vendor Name - The name of the supplier.

  5. Invoice Id - The unique identifier for the invoice.

  6. ERP Doc Id - The unique document identifier assigned by the buyer's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for the invoice.

  7. Invoice Date - The date the invoice was issued by the supplier.

  8. Payment Amount - The total amount of the invoice that is being paid.

  9. Financier Name - The financial institution that is financing the invoice.

  10. Platform Payment Date - The date the financier is expected to make the payment to the supplier.

  11. Platform Instruction Date - The date the platform sent payment instructions to the financier.

  12. Reverse feed status - Indicates whether the payment instructions are sent to the bank and the platform is waiting for a Unique Transaction Reference (UTR) number. A UTR confirms successful processing of the payment.

  13. Overdue for - The number of days the invoice payment is past the expected Platform Payment Date.

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