Manage Supplier Onboarding


  • Only a platform admin can manage the supplier onboarding.

  • A checker approval is needed to successfully configure the onboarding fields.


Managing the onboarding of suppliers is a crucial aspect of maintaining efficient operational workflows within the DDRX platform. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how platform admins can effectively manage supplier onboarding, ensuring that all necessary information and configurations are correctly set up. It includes a step-by-step process, starting from accessing the onboarding management panel to configuring the entity profile of suppliers. With the help of a detailed explanation, platform admins will find it easy to navigate through the onboarding settings and adhere to the necessary approval processes. This manual aims to streamline the onboarding process, making it seamless for both admins and suppliers.

How To Access On DDRX Platform

Platform Panel -> Suppliers -> Manage Onboarding

Steps to manage the onboarding fields for suppliers in DDRX platform

  1. Type the name of the buyer into the search box and press Enter to manage the onboarding details of its suppliers.

  2. Click Configure. The configuration includes five sections. The following are the steps to set up each section for the supplier onboarding.

Entity Profile


This section cannot be deactivated or edited.

The Entity Profile section includes the default input fields relevant to the company details of the supplier. The fields are PAN details, supplier's full name, GSTIN, company name, and so on.

Entity Documents


This section is not editable but can be activated or deactivated.

The Entity Documents section includes the default fields, where the supplier is required to upload the relevant documents. The fields are LLPIN, certificate of incorporation, MOA, AOA, and so on.

Additional Details & Upload Document


This section can be activated or edited.

--need deep understanding of this field

  1. Click Edit.

  2. Click + Add Field.

  3. Select Field Name from the dropdown menu.

  4. Click Add Field.

  5. Tick the checkbox present under Mandatory column if you want to make the added field compulsory.

  6. Choose Digital Signature from the dropdown if the added field needs to be digitally signed.

  7. Choose Digital Sign Channel through which the digital signature must be acquired for the added field.

  8. Enter a template ID.

  9. Click Update. Upon clicking this button, the additional details get saved.

SLA Details


This section cannot be deactivated or edited.

The SLA Details section includes the checkbox to accept the SLA before the submission of onboarding details by the supplier.

Click Confirm. Upon clicking this button, the onboarding configuration is forwarded to a checker who reviews, validates, and approves the submitted details. Once approved, the onboarding configuration is successfully added to the DDRX platform for all the suppliers of buyer.

Activating or Deactivating Modules


No checker approval is required for the activation or deactivation of modules.

Select the checkbox next to the desired supplier(s) for the onboarding configuration you wish to activate, then click Activate Module and OK. This will successfully activate the configuration(s) in the DDRX platform for the buyer's suppliers.

View Supplier

This section allows you to search for and review detailed information about your suppliers. Whether you need to assess new suppliers who are pending approval or manage current ones, the tools provided here streamline these processes for efficient supplier management. Follow the instructions below to navigate through various supplier statuses and access comprehensive details about each one:

Type the name of the buyer into the search box and press Enter. Further, click View Supplier to view the supplier details. The details are categorized based on the status of the supplier in the platform. The following are the steps to use each category for the supplier:

Pending Supplier

This category contains the list of suppliers who have finished their onboarding on the platform.

  1. Click View Details option present under Action column.

  2. Expand each section to view and verify the submitted details.

  3. Choose an option to verify or reject the supplier details.


Add appropriate reason while rejecting the supplier details and click Confirm.

  1. Upon verifying all the details, click Submit. Now, the supplier moves to the Pending Checker Authorization category.

Pending Checker Authorization


A checker login is required.

The supplier details are forwarded to a checker who reviews, validates, and either approves or rejects the submitted details. Once the details are approved, the supplier gets moved to the Approved Supplier category.

Approved Supplier

This category includes suppliers whose details have been approved by the checker.

Rejected Supplier

This category contains suppliers whose details have been rejected by the checker. Suppliers resubmit their corrected details and are moved to the Pending Supplier category, where they are reviewed by the admin once again.

Last updated