Supplier Details


  • Only a platform admin can have access to supplier details sub-section.

  • A checker approval is needed to successfully update the supplier details in the platform.


This is a comprehensive guide to accessing and managing supplier details on the DDRX platform. It is intended for platform admins, providing them with crucial information on how to view, edit, and update supplier details successfully. Through the Supplier Details sub-section, admins can access a broad range of information about each supplier, from basic contact details to financial identifiers and onboarding status. By following this guide, admins will be able to navigate the DDRX platform efficiently, maintaining the integrity and up-to-date records of all suppliers.

How To Access On DDRX Platform

Platform Panel -> Suppliers -> Supplier Details

Breakdown of the details included in the table

The table below helps platform admins understand the various attributes associated with each supplier.

  • Supplier ID - It is a unique identifier for each supplier.

  • Supplier Name - It represents the name of the supplier.

  • Supplier Code - An alphanumeric code assigned to each supplier, likely submitted by the bank.

  • PAN - It refers to the supplier's Permanent Account Number, a 10-digit alphanumeric number used for tax purposes in India.

  • CIN - It refers to the supplier's Company Identification Number, a unique 21-digit number assigned to companies in India.

  • Entity Type - It represents the type of legal entity the supplier is. For example, Private Limited.

  • Contact Person Name - It represents the name of the DDRX platform representative assigned as the primary point of contact for the supplier.

  • Early Payment Access - Indicates whether the supplier has access to early payment options.

  • Onboarding Status - It represents the current stage of the supplier onboarding process. It can be Active, Invited, Not Registered, or Registered.

    • Active -

    • Invited -

    • Not Registered -

    • Registered -

  • Action - It allows admins to perform actions on the supplier record. The available actions in this view include User Details, Account Info, and Disable.

Manage Supplier Users and Bank Accounts

To effectively manage supplier relationships and streamline their onboarding and maintenance, the DDRX platform offers a detailed and user-friendly interface for platform administrators. This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to add and manage supplier user details, and bank accounts, as well as monitor their onboarding status. This functionality enhances transparency and operational efficiency by allowing direct interaction with supplier information.

Type the name of the buyer into the search box, press Enter, and click Suppliers to manage the users and bank accounts.

Add New User

Follow these easy steps to add a user to a supplier's account, ensuring they have the access and roles necessary to operate within the platform.

  1. Type the name of the supplier into the search box and press Enter to add the user details.

  2. Click User Details.

  3. Click Add New User.

  4. Enter details like First Name, Last Name, and Email of the user.

  5. Set up the user's access level within the buyer.

  6. Enter the new user’s contact phone number.

  7. Select the user’s role within the supplier.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click OK. Upon clicking this button, the user details are forwarded to a checker for review, validation, and approval. Once approved, the user receives the sign-up email from the platform. After completing the sign-up process, the user is successfully activated as a supplier.


The supplier entry is added to the Add New sub-section in the platform. Checkers then click on the View action to validate the user details.

Viewing Sign-up Status

To monitor the sign-up progress of newly added users and manage the status of their platform access, follow the outlined steps below.

  • Click Sign-up Status. Upon clicking this button, the admin can view the expiry details of the sign-up link that has been sent to a user.

  • If the link is expired and the user is yet to sign up on the platform, you can click on Reactivate.

Adding Email Cc Receivers

By adding email CC receivers, you can keep key personnel in the loop about supplier-related communications. The steps below guide you through adding additional recipients to receive copies of emails, enhancing transparency and coordination.

  1. Click Add/Edit Email Receivers.

  2. Enter the recipient's email ID.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Click Submit. Upon clicking this button, the recipient's information is sent to a checker for review, validation, and approval. Once approved, the recipient is successfully activated in the platform for all supplier-related communications.


  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add multiple recipients.

  • The supplier entry is added to the Add New sub-section in the platform. Checkers then click on the View action to validate the recipient's details.

Update Supplier Account Info

Managing supplier information is a critical component of maintaining efficient operational workflows. The following guidelines assist the admin in not only adding email CC receivers to keep key personnel informed but also in updating basic supplier information and account details. This ensures that all relevant parties have access to the most current and accurate supplier information, facilitating better communication and collaboration.

Update Basic Details of Supplier

The following are steps to update the basic details of the supplier in the platform:

  1. Type the name of the supplier into the search box and press Enter to update the user details.

  2. Click Account Info.

  3. Click Edit to update details like CIN, Entity Type, Contact Person Name, and GSTIN.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Click OK. Upon clicking this button, the supplier details are sent to a checker for review, validation, and approval. Once approved, the details are successfully updated in the platform.


The supplier entry is added to the Add New sub-section in the platform. Checkers then click on the View action to validate the supplier details.

Update Supplier Account Details

The following are steps to update the bank account details of the supplier in the platform:

  1. Click pencil icon present under Action column of the table.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click Update.

  4. Click OK. Upon clicking this button, the supplier account details are sent to a checker for review, validation, and approval. Once approved, the account details are successfully updated in the platform.


  • The supplier entry is added to the Add New sub-section in the platform. Checkers then click on the View action to validate the account details.

  • Admin can use Disable button to deactivate the account details.

Update Supplier Virtual Account Details (Collection)

Update Supplier Virtual Account For EFS Share

-- The above two headings are related to Escrow. Need clarity on Escrow concept as it is different in CredAble environment, I believe!

Deactivate Supplier

The following is a step-by-step guide for disabling or deactivating the supplier in DDRX platform.

  1. Type the name of the supplier into the search box and press Enter to deactivate the supplier in the platform.

  2. Click Disable.

  3. Click Confirm. Upon clicking this button, the supplier gets successfully deactivated in the platform.

Last updated