Dealer Financing Overview

Introduction to Dealer Financing Exchange

Dealer Financing Exchange (DFX) is a financial solution designed to facilitate the seamless flow of funds between corporate entities and their dealers. This financing model helps dealers manage their cash flow efficiently by allowing them to secure funds for purchasing products from corporates without immediate payment. The primary aim of dealer financing is to enhance the liquidity of dealers, enabling them to maintain optimal inventory levels and support continuous business operations.

How Dealer Financing Works

Dealer financing typically involves three key parties:

  • Corporate - The supplier or manufacturer providing goods or services.

  • Dealer - The buyer or distributor purchasing goods from the corporate.

  • CredAble - The financing platform that intermediates the payment process.

The workflow of dealer financing can be understood through the following steps:

  1. Product Provision and Invoice Generation

    The corporate provides products to the dealer and raises an invoice against the dealer for the supplied goods.

  2. Financing Request

    The dealer requests financing from CredAble to cover the cost of the invoice raised by the corporate.

  3. Payment to Corporate

    CredAble processes the financing request and makes the payment to the corporate on behalf of the dealer, ensuring the corporate receives immediate payment for the goods supplied.

  4. Repayment to CredAble

    The dealer repays CredAble as per the agreed terms, which typically include the financing amount along with any applicable interest or fees.

Benefits of Dealer Financing

For Corporates

  • Immediate payment for invoices, enhancing cash flow.

  • Reduced credit risk as the payment is received from CredAble.

  • Strengthened relationships with dealers through better support and financing options.

For Dealers

  • Improved cash flow management, allowing for the purchase of more inventory without immediate capital outlay.

  • Access to flexible financing options that can be tailored to business needs.

  • Enhanced ability to take advantage of bulk purchasing discounts from corporates.

For CredAble

  • Facilitates smoother transactions and financial flow between corporates and dealers.

  • Generates revenue through interest and fees charged on the financing provided.

  • Strengthens market presence by supporting business operations and growth for both corporates and dealers.


Dealer Financing by CredAble is an essential tool for maintaining a healthy supply chain ecosystem. By bridging the financial gap between corporates and dealers, it ensures that businesses can operate smoothly, without the constraints of immediate payment requirements. This not only fosters growth and stability for all parties involved but also contributes to a more resilient and efficient market environment.

Last updated