Bank Master Configurations


This document is designed to assist admins in effectively navigating the features and functionalities of the DFX platform. It provides comprehensive, step-by-step instructions for accessing and configuring various options essential for managing corporate and dealer interactions within the platform. Whether you are responsible for setting up configurations for corporates or dealers, this guide covers everything you need to know to optimize the platform's benefits. By following each step carefully, admins can ensure accurate and efficient onboarding and configuration processes.

Additionally, the guide includes detailed explanations and the significance of various configurations, enhancing your understanding of how each option impacts the overall system. Ensure to refer to the relevant sections as needed to maximize your use of the DFX platform.

How To Access On DFX Platform

Platform Panel -> Banks

Steps to configure master options

The following steps outline how to add various master configuration options for corporates and dealers of the bank in the DFX platform:

  1. Click Master Config icon of the desired bank.

  2. Under Corporate section, enable the configurations you want to add to the corporate during their onboarding in the DFX platform.

  3. Click Save & Next.

  4. Click OK. Upon clicking this button, the corporate configurations get successfully added in the platform.

  5. Under Dealer section, enable the configurations you want to add to the dealer during their onboarding in the DFX platform.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click OK. Upon clicking this button, the dealer configurations get successfully added in the DFX platform.

Once the corporate and dealer configurations are added to onboarding settings of the corporate in DFX platform, your next step is to onboard a corporate.

Things To Know

Refer to the data dictionary for Corporate Onboarding and Dealer Onboarding options.

Data Dictionary for Corporate Master Options

The following configurations can be toggled on or off during the corporate onboarding process. When enabled, the respective configuration is applied to the corporate setup.

  • Required Corporate Type - Specifies the type of corporate entity required for onboarding. For example, Private Limited, Public Limited, and so on.

  • Financing Percentage - Determines the percentage of invoice financing provided to the corporate.

  • Is Cash Discount to be shown? - Indicates whether the cash discount should be displayed to the corporate.

  • Is Dealer Sign Up required? - Specifies if sign-up is mandatory for dealers of the corporate.

  • Is Dealer Approval required? - Indicates if dealer approval is necessary before transactions.

  • Corporate External ID - A unique identifier assigned by the bank for the corporate.

  • Source Channel - Identifies the source channel for the corporate.

  • Total Dealer Count - Displays the total number of dealers associated with the corporate.

  • GL Code - The General Ledger code associated with the corporate's accounting system.

  • Payment Instruction Receivers Email - Email addresses of recipients for payment instructions.

  • Risk Users Email - Email addresses of corporate users involved in risk management.

  • Is Financing Percentage to be shown? - Determines if the financing percentage should be visible to the corporate.

  • Invoice Stale Period - Specifies the period after which an invoice is considered stale.

  • Invoice Credit Period (from Payment Date) - Defines the credit period for invoices, starting from the payment date.

  • Invoice Credit Period (from Invoice Date) - Defines the credit period for invoices, starting from the invoice date.


Learn more about Invoice Credit Period.

  • Days Past Due Period - Specifies the period after which an invoice is considered past due.

  • Limit Retry Period - The number of days for which invoice processing should be attempted after the limit is exhausted.

  • Can Invoice be Deleted? - Indicates whether invoices can be deleted.

  • Duplicate Invoice to be allowed - Specifies if duplicate invoices are permitted.

  • Repayment Date to be calculated from - Defines the starting point for calculating the repayment date.

  • Finance File Frequency - Frequency for generating the payment instruction file to be sent to the bank.

  • Payment Advice to be delivered to - Specify the recipient for the payment advice. The payment advice file contains the details of the invoice payments made by the bank to corporate.

  • Dealer Utilization Report to be delivered to - Specify the recipients for the dealer utilization report, which includes details such as dealer names, available limit, limit utilization percentage, overdue amount, and so on.

Data Dictionary for Dealer Master Options

The following configurations can be toggled on or off during the dealer onboarding process. When enabled, the respective configuration is applied to the dealer setup.

  • Invoice Request Type - Defines the type of invoice request applicable to the dealer.

  • Interest Type - Specifies the type of interest applicable to the dealer's financing.

  • Disbursement Rate -

  • Limit Node - A unique identifier received from the bank for the limit assigned to the dealer.

  • Dealer Code - A unique code assigned to each dealer for identification purposes.

  • Grace Period - Specifies the additional days allowed beyond the due date before penalties are applied.

  • Interest Free Credit Period - Defines the period during which no interest is charged on the dealer's credit.

  • Days Past Due (DPD) Period - Indicates the period after the due date during which the invoice is considered past due.

  • Financier Dealer Code - A unique code assigned to the dealer by the bank.

  • Relationship Manager - Specifies the manager responsible for overseeing the dealer's account.

  • Spread Rate - The additional percentage added to the base interest rate to determine the final rate charged to the dealer.

  • Penal Rate - The interest rate applied to overdue amounts beyond the agreed credit period.

  • Repo Rate -

  • Bank Rate -

  • Haircut Percentage - Specifies the percentage of the value of invoice amount that is not considered for financing purposes.

  • Limit Status - Indicates whether the financing limit for the dealer is active or inactive.

  • Sanctioned Limit (₹) - The approved credit limit assigned to the dealer in terms of amount in Indian rupee (INR).

Last updated