Onboarding Corporate


  • Only a platform admin can onboard a corporate.

  • A checker approval is needed to successfully onboard a corporate.


This guide outlines the steps to successfully onboard a corporate onto the DFX platform. The DFX platform provides a structured approach to ensure all required information is accurately captured. This document details each phase of the onboarding journey, including navigating to the required sections and completing necessary forms. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth onboarding experience.

How To Access On DFX Platform

Platform Panel -> Corporate -> Corporate Onboarding

Steps to onboard a corporate in DFX platform

Click + New. The onboarding journey of the corporate is divided into three tabs:

Profile Tab

The Profile tab in the DFX platform of CredAble is designed to capture essential information about the corporate entity. This information is crucial for setting up the corporate's profile in the platform and ensuring smooth processing of dealer financing transactions. All fields are mandatory and must be filled out to proceed with the onboarding process.

Corporate Information

  1. Corporate Name - Enter the official name of the corporate entity.

  2. Corporate Code - Provide a unique identifier or code assigned to the corporate.

  3. Corporate Email - Enter the primary email address for corporate communications.

  4. Corporate Contact Number - Provide a contact number where the corporate can be reached.

  5. Corporate Establishment Date - Select the date when the corporate entity was established. Use the calendar icon to choose the date.

  6. Industry - Specify the industry sector to which the corporate belongs. This field should reflect the primary business area of the corporate.

  7. PAN - Enter the Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the corporate for tax identification purposes.

  8. GSTIN - Provide the Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN).

Corporate Address

  1. Corporate Address - Enter the full address of the corporate headquarters or main office.

  2. City - Specify the city where the corporate is located.

  3. State - Specify the state where the corporate operates.

  4. Country - Specify the country.

  5. Pincode - Enter the postal code for the corporate's address.

Financing Bank Details

Bank Names - Select the name of the bank from the dropdown menu that provides financing to the corporate.

Authorized Person Details

  1. Authorized Person Name - Enter the full name of the authorized person representing the corporate.

  2. Authorized Person Phone Number - Provide the contact number of the authorized person.

  3. Authorized Person Email - Enter the email address of the authorized person.

  4. Relationship Manager - Select the relationship manager assigned to the corporate from the dropdown menu.

Bank Account Details

  1. Bank Account No. - Enter the corporate's bank account number where payments will be credited.

  2. Bank IFSC - Provide the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) of the bank branch.

  3. Bank Name - Enter the name of the bank where the corporate's account is held.

  4. Bank Branch Name - Specify the branch name of the bank.


  1. Submit - Click this button to save the entered information and proceed to the next step of the onboarding process.

  2. Confirm - Upon clicking this button, the profile details are forwarded to a checker who reviews, validates, and approves the submitted details. Once the details are approved, you can add Configurations for the corporate.

Configurations Tab

The Configurations tab in the Corporate Onboarding section of the DFX platform by CredAble allows admins to set various parameters and preferences for transaction processing, invoice management, and reporting. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to fill out each field under the Configurations tab.


  • All fields are mandatory.

  • The fields here are those that we have enabled in the bank's master configurations on the DFX platform.

Transaction Configuration

  1. Corporate Type - Select the type of corporate from the dropdown menu. The available options are:

    • Existing to Bank (ETB) - Choose this option if the corporate entity already has a banking relationship established.

    • New to Bank (NTB) - Choose this option if the corporate entity is new to the banking relationship.

  2. Is Financing Percentage to be shown? - Indicate whether the financing percentage should be displayed.

  3. Financing Percentage - Enter the financing percentage. This is the proportion of the invoice amount that will be financed. For example, 80.

  4. Is Cash Discount to be shown? - Indicate whether a cash discount should be displayed.


Learn more about Cash Discount.

  1. Is Dealer Sign Up required? - Specify if user interface is provided to dealers for participation in the financing program.

  2. Is Dealer Approval required? - Specify if dealer approval by corporate is required.

  3. Corporate External ID - Enter a unique identifier assigned to the corporate by the bank.

  4. Source Channel -

  5. Payment Instruction Receivers Email - Provide the email address where payment instructions should be sent. This email address belongs to the financier entity.

Invoice Configurations

  1. Invoice Stale Period - Enter the number of days after which an invoice is considered stale in DFX platform.

  2. Invoice Credit Period (from Payment Date) - Specify the repayment period in days from the payment date. For example, 15.

  3. Invoice Credit Period (from Invoice Date) - Specify the repayment period in days from the invoice date. For example, 50.


Learn more about Invoice Credit Period.

  1. Days Past Due Period - Enter the number of days past the due date that the invoice remains unpaid by the dealer. After this period, the dealer gets automatically deactivated in DFX platform.

  2. Limit Retry Period - Enter the number of days for which the invoice processing should be attempted in DFX platform after the limit has been exhausted for the corporate.

  3. Can Invoice be Deleted? - Indicate whether invoices can be deleted from the platform.

  4. Duplicate Invoice to be allowed - Specify when duplicate invoices are allowed. The available options are:

    • No - Duplicate invoices are not allowed.

    • After Calendar Year - Duplicate invoices are allowed after the calendar year ends.

    • After Financial Year - Duplicate invoices are allowed after the financial year ends.

  5. Repayment Date to be calculated from - Select the basis for calculating the repayment date of the invoices. The available options are:

    • Payment Date Exclusive - Excludes the payment date in the calculation.

    • Payment Date Inclusive - Includes the payment date in the calculation.

    • Invoice Date Exclusive - Excludes the invoice date in the calculation.

    • Invoice Date Inclusive - Includes the invoice date in the calculation.

File Configurations

  1. Finance File Frequency - Select how often the payment instruction file, containing details of payments to be made by the bank to corporate, is generated. Admins can select from three frequency options: daily, weekly, or monthly.

  2. Payment Advice to be delivered to - Specify the recipient for the payment advice. The payment advice file contains the details of the invoice payments made by the bank to corporate. The available options are:

    • Corporate - Payment advice is delivered to the corporate.

    • Dealer - Payment advice is delivered to the dealer.

    • Both - Payment advice is delivered to both corporate and dealer.

    • None - Payment advice is not delivered.

  3. Dealer Utilization Report to be delivered to - Specify the recipient for the dealer utilization report, which includes details such as dealer names, available limit, limit utilization percentage, overdue amount, and so on. The available options are:

    • Corporate - Report is delivered to the corporate.

    • Dealer - Report is delivered to the dealer.

    • Both - Report is delivered to both corporate and dealer.

    • None - Report is not delivered.

Limit Configurations

  1. Limit Status - Enable or disable corporate financing requests for invoices.

  2. Sanctioned Limit(₹) - Enter the new sanctioned limit amount for the corporate.


  1. Submit - Click this button to save the entered information and proceed to the next step of the onboarding process.

  2. Confirm - Upon clicking this button, the configuration details are forwarded to a checker who reviews, validates, and approves the submitted details. Once the details are approved, you can add Dealers for the corporate.

Dealers Tab

Did You Onboard a Dealer Yet?

Haven't completed dealer onboarding? Check out the onboarding dealers page for a detailed walkthrough.

The Dealers tab displays a list of dealers associated with the corporate in the DFX platform. Here are the details displayed in this tab:

  1. Dealer Code - A unique identifier for the dealer.

  2. Dealer Name - The name of the dealer.

  3. Sanctioned Limit - It is the credit limit sanctioned for the dealer by CredAble.

  4. Utilized Limit - The amount of credit used by the dealer so far.

  5. Available Limit - The remaining credit limit available to the dealer.

    \therefore Available Limit = Sanctioned Limit - Utilized Limit

  6. Utilization% - Percentage of the sanctioned limit utilized by the dealer.

    \therefore Utilization% = [Utilized Limit / Sanctioned Limit] × 100

  7. Effective Interest Rate % - Interest rate charged to the dealer post due date of the invoice.

  8. Engagement Status - Dealer's onboarding status with CredAble's DFX platform. It can be one of the following:

    • Active - Dealer is actively using the DFX platform.

    • Inactive - Dealer is disabled in the DFX platform.

    • Registered - Dealer has successfully registered for the DFX platform.

    • Not Registered - Dealer has not yet registered for the DFX platform.

    • Invited - Dealer has been invited to register for the DFX platform.

  9. Action - Options for managing the dealer.

Last updated