Manage Scheduled Tasks


This module is primarily intended for use by the technical team.


On the DFX platform, efficient task management is crucial for ensuring that various activities are executed at the right time. The Manage Scheduled Tasks feature allows administrators to handle these time-sensitive tasks effectively. By providing the ability to activate, deactivate, edit, and immediately execute scheduled tasks, this feature ensures that the platform operates smoothly and without interruption.

This user guide walks you through the steps to manage scheduled tasks, including navigating to the scheduled tasks menu, editing tasks, executing tasks on demand, searching for specific tasks, and applying filters to view tasks based on their status.

The following sections provide detailed instructions on how to utilize these capabilities to maintain optimal task management on the DFX platform.

How To Access On DFX Platform

Platform Panel -> Tech Ops -> Manage Scheduled Task

Viewing Scheduled Tasks

Upon accessing the module, a table displaying all scheduled tasks is presented. The table includes the following columns -

  • Task Name - The name of the scheduled task.

  • Start Time - The start time of the task.

  • End Time - The end time of the task.

  • Last Run Time - The most recent time the task was executed.

  • Next Run Time - The next scheduled time for the task to run.

  • Scheduler Time Cron - The cron expression detailing the schedule of the task.

  • Task Status - The current status of the task. It can be either ACTIVE or DEACTIVE.

  • Task Lock Action - Actions related to task locking.

  • Action - Options to edit or execute the task immediately.

Filtering Scheduled Tasks

Administrators can filter tasks based on their status, that is, either Active or Deactive. To apply filters:

  1. Click Filter option at the top left side of the platform window.

  2. Select either the Active or Deactive option under Task Status.

  3. Click Submit to apply the filter. The list gets updated to show only the tasks matching the selected status.

Editing a Scheduled Task

To modify the status of a scheduled task:

  1. Locate the task you want to edit in the table.

  2. Click Edit in the corresponding row.

  3. In the Task Status dropdown box, change the status to either ACTIVE or DEACTIVE.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click OK. Upon clicking this button, the task status gets successfully updated in the platform.

Releasing a Task Lock

To release a lock on a scheduled task:

  1. Locate the task with a lock in the table.

  2. Click Release Lock in the corresponding row. Upon clicking this button, the lock gets released, allowing the task to be edited or executed as needed.

Executing a Scheduled Task Immediately

To execute a task immediately:

  1. Locate the task you want to execute in the table.

  2. Click Execute Now in the corresponding row. Upon clicking this button, the task runs immediately, and its status gets updated accordingly.

Searching for a Scheduled Task

To search for a specific scheduled task:

  1. Type the task name into the search box located at the top right of the platform window.

  2. Click the search icon or press Enter. The table filters and displays the tasks matching the search query.


The Manage Scheduled Tasks module is an essential tool for administrators to ensure that scheduled tasks run smoothly and efficiently. By providing a clear overview and easy-to-use interface, it helps maintain the operational integrity of the DFX platform.

Last updated