File Management


The File Management section under the Risk Operations module in the DFX platform is designed to handle and monitor all files received and generated by the platform. This guide provides an overview and step-by-step instructions on how to use the Input File Management and Output File Management features.

How To Access On DFX Platform

Platform Panel -> Risk Operations -> File Management

Input File Management

The Input File Management tab provides a list of all files received by the platform. It allows admins to view the status and details of each received file.

  1. Navigating to Input File Management

    • Select the Input File Management radio option.

  2. Filter Options

    • Corporate - Select the corporate from the dropdown list.

    • Received Date - Use the date picker to select the date on which the files were received.

  3. File List - The table displays the following columns:

    • File Name - Name of the received file.

    • File Status - Status of the file processing. For example, PROCESSED, PENDING, and so on.

    • Received On - Date and time when the file was received.

    • Download - Download icon to download the file.

  4. Actions

    • Download All - Click this button to download all listed files in one go.

    • Download Individual Files - Click the download icon next to each file to download it individually.

Output File Management

The Output File Management tab provides a list of all files generated by the platform and sent out. It allows admins to view the status and details of each sent file.

  1. Navigating to Output File Management

    • Select the Output File Management radio option.

  2. Filter Options

    • Corporate - Select the corporate entity from the dropdown list.

    • Payment Date - Use the date picker to select the payment date for which the files were generated.

  3. File List

    • The table displays the following columns:

      • File Name - Name of the generated file.

      • File Status - Status of the file processing. For example, SENT, PENDING, and so on.

      • Sent On - Date and time when the file was sent.

      • Download - Download icon to download the file.

  4. Actions

    • Download All - Click this button to download all listed files in one go.

    • Download Individual Files - Click the download icon next to each file to download it individually.

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