Soft Delete Invoices


  • Only a platform admin can soft delete the invoices.

  • A checker approval is needed to successfully delete the invoices.


The Soft Delete Invoices section in the DFX platform allows admins to manage and review invoices that have been marked for deletion. This section provides a comprehensive view of all invoices that are pending checker authorization as well as those that have already been reviewed. Admins can filter, search, and download invoice details for better invoice management. This guide will walk you through the functionalities available in this section and explain how to use each feature effectively.

How To Access On DFX Platform

Platform Panel -> Invoices -> Soft Delete Invoices

Viewing Invoice Details

Under All Invoices tag, select a corporate from the dropdown menu. The table provides detailed information on each invoice, including -

  1. Corporate Name - Name of the corporate entity.

  2. Invoice ID - Unique identifier for the invoice.

  3. Dealer Name - Name of the dealer associated with the invoice.

  4. Dealer Code - Code assigned to the dealer.

  5. Net Invoice Amount - Total amount of the invoice.

  6. Invoice Date - Date the invoice was issued.

  7. Financed Amount - Amount financed against the invoice.

  8. Cash Discount Amount - Any cash discount applied to the invoice.

  9. Invoice Status - Current status of the invoice. For example, Uploaded, On Hold, Disabled, and so on.

  10. Remarks - Additional comments or notes related to the invoice.

  11. Actions

    • Checkbox Selection - Select invoices using the checkboxes for batch actions such as downloading.

    • Download All - Click this button to download the details of all listed invoices in the current view.

Steps to soft delete invoices in DFX platform

  1. Click Upload File radio option.

  2. Click Upload Invoice.

  3. Fill in the invoice details in the file as follows:

  • Invoice_ID - Unique identifier for the invoice.

  • Invoice_Date - Date when the invoice was issued.

  • Due_Date - Date when the invoice is due.

  • Invoice_Amount - Total amount of the invoice.

  • GST_Total_Amount - Total amount of GST included in the invoice.

  • CGST_Amount - Amount of Central GST included in the invoice.

  • SGCST_Amount - Amount of State GST included in the invoice.

  • IGST_Amount - Amount of Integrated GST included in the invoice.

  • TDS_Amount - Amount of Tax Deducted at Source included in the invoice.

  • TCS_Amount - Amount of Tax Collected at Source included in the invoice.

  • Currency - Enter the currency code. For example, INR.

  • Dealer_Code - Unique code identifying the dealer.

  • Dealer_PAN_Num - PAN number of the dealer.

  • Dealer_GSTIN_Num - GSTIN number of the dealer.

  • ERP_Doc_ID - ERP document ID associated with the invoice.

  • CD_Amount - Cash Discount amount applicable to the invoice.

  • CD_Percentage - Cash Discount percentage applicable to the invoice.

  1. Save the file in your system.


The filename format should be CRED_CORPORATECODE_INVOICE_DELETE_ddmmyyyy.

  1. Click Browse and select the saved file.

  2. Click Upload.

  3. Click OK. This forwards the invoice details to a checker for review, validation, and approval. Once approved, the invoices get successfully deleted in the DFX platform.


  • Ensure all details are accurate to avoid processing errors.

  • The invoice deletion file should only contain invoices that need to be removed from the platform.

  • Follow up with the checker if any issues arise during the approval process.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage the deletion of invoices within the DFX platform, maintaining accurate and up-to-date records.

Last updated