Cash Discount


A cash discount in dealer financing is a reduction in the invoice amount offered to the dealer by the corporate entity if the dealer pays the invoice within a specified period. This incentive is designed to encourage early payment, thus improving the cash flow for the corporate entity.

The discount is usually expressed as a percentage of the total invoice amount and is contingent upon the dealer making the payment within a predefined timeframe. If the dealer pays within this period, they can deduct the discount from the total amount due.


Let's consider a practical scenario to understand how cash discounts work in dealer financing:


  • Invoice Amount: ₹10,000

  • Cash Discount: 2%

  • Discount Period: 10 days


  1. Invoice Issuance - The corporate entity issues an invoice to the dealer for ₹10,000.

  2. Cash Discount Offer - The corporate entity offers a 2% cash discount if the dealer pays within 10 days.

  3. Calculation of Cash Discount

    • Cash Discount Amount = Invoice Amount × Cash Discount Percentage

    • Cash Discount Amount = ₹10,000 × 2% = ₹200

  4. Payment within Discount Period

    • If the dealer pays the invoice within 10 days, they can deduct the cash discount from the total invoice amount.

    • Amount to be Paid = Invoice Amount - Cash Discount Amount

    • Amount to be Paid = ₹10,000 - ₹200 = ₹9,800


In summary, a cash discount in dealer financing is a strategic tool used by corporate entities to incentivize early payments from dealers. It offers a mutually beneficial arrangement where corporates receive quicker payments and dealers enjoy cost savings.

Last updated