Dealer Configurations


The DFX platform provides a streamlined process for corporate onboarding and dealer configuration management. This document outlines the steps to add dealer configurations. It is important for admins to follow each step carefully to ensure correct setup. The sections included provide necessary information on accessing different features and configuring transaction settings. This guide aims to simplify the onboarding process and ensure seamless management of dealer configurations.

How To Access On DFX Platform

Platform Panel -> Corporate -> Corporate Onboarding

Steps to add dealer configurations

Follow these steps to successfully add dealer configurations onto the DFX platform.

  1. Click Edit icon of the desired corporate whose dealer configurations you want to add.

  2. Go to Dealers tab.

  3. Click Edit icon of the desired dealer for which you want to add configurations.

  4. Add the configuration details as follows:


  • All fields are mandatory.

  • The fields here are those that we have enabled in the bank's master configurations on the DFX platform.

Transaction Configuration

  • Invoice Request Type - Select the type of invoice request. The available options are:

    • Manual - Dealer can select invoices for which they need financing.

    • Auto - Invoices get automatically processed for financing.

  • Interest Type - Select the type of interest calculation. The available options are:

    • Rear End - Interest is calculated and paid at the end of the credit period.

    • Upfront - Interest is calculated and paid at the beginning of the credit period.


Learn more about Invoice Credit Period.

  • Limit Node - Enter a unique identifier received from the bank for the limit assigned to the dealer.

  • Grace Period - Enter an additional time allowance beyond the original due date of an invoice, provided by the corporate to the dealer for repayment without incurring any penalties or triggering Days Past Due (DPD).

  • Interest-Free Credit Period - Enter the number of days for which the invoice amount is interest-free.

  • Days Past Due (DPD) Period - Enter the number of days past the due date that the invoice remains unpaid by the dealer. After this period, the dealer gets automatically deactivated in DFX platform.

  • Financier Dealer Code - Enter the code assigned to the dealer by the bank.

  • Relationship Manager - Select the relationship manager responsible for the dealer.

  • Disbursement Rate -

    • Fixed -

    • Variable - selecting this option, benchmark rate options are not getting visible

Rate Configurations

  • Spread Rate - Enter the additional percentage added to a reference interest rate.

  • Penal Rate - Specify the penal interest rate for overdue amounts.

  • Repo Rate - Select the repo rate applicable to the dealer's financing.

  • Haircut Percentage - Enter the percentage of the value of invoice amount that is not considered for financing purposes.

Limit Configurations

  • Limit Status - Choose whether to activate the sanctioned limit for the dealer.

  • Sanctioned Limit (₹) - Enter the maximum amount of credit that a bank approves for a dealer.


  • Submit - Click this button to save the entered information.

  • Confirm - Upon clicking this button, the configuration details are forwarded to a checker who reviews, validates, and approves the submitted details. Once the details are approved, the dealer configurations get successfully activated in the platform.

Last updated