Email Monitor


Only a platform admin can monitor or manage the emails.


The Email Monitor module in the DFX platform helps admins manage and track the status of emails related to platform operations. This guide provides an overview and step-by-step instructions on how to use the Email Monitor, specifically focusing on the scheduled and sent email functionalities.

How To Access On DFX Platform

Platform Panel -> Email Monitor

Scheduled Emails

The Scheduled Emails tab provides a list of emails that are scheduled to be sent at a specified date and time.

  1. Navigating to Scheduled Emails

    • Select the Scheduled radio option.

  2. Filter Options

    • Scheduled On - Use the date picker to select the start and end dates for the scheduled emails.

    • Receiver - Search and select the recipient's email address.

    • Message Type - Search and select the type of message from the list.

  3. Email List - The table displays the following columns:

    • To - Recipient's email address.

    • Subject - Subject of the email.

    • Type - Type of message being sent.

    • Attempt Count - Number of attempts made to send the email.

    • Scheduled On - Date and time when the email is scheduled to be sent.

    • Action - Options to view, send, or reject the email.

  4. Actions

    • View - Click to view the email content.

    • Send - Click to manually send the email immediately.

    • Reject - Click to reject and cancel the scheduled email.

Sent Emails

The Sent Emails tab provides a list of emails that have already been sent from the platform.

  1. Navigating to Sent Emails

    • Select the Sent radio option.

  2. Filter Options

    • Sent On - Use the date picker to select the start and end dates for the sent emails.

    • Receiver - Search and select the recipient's email address.

    • Message Type - Search and select the type of message from the list.

  3. Email List - The table displays the following columns:

    • To - Recipient's email address.

    • Subject - Subject of the email.

    • Type - Type of message sent.

    • Attempt Count - Number of attempts made to send the email.

    • Sent On - Date and time when the email was sent.

    • Status - Status of the email. For example, SENT, NOTSENT, and so on.

    • Action - Options to view the email.

  4. Actions

    • View - Click to view the email content.

    • Resend - Click to manually send the email again immediately.

Last updated