Onboarding Dealers


In this guide, we focus on the steps required to onboard dealers to the DFX platform. This includes detailed instructions on how to access the platform, navigate to the appropriate section, and successfully upload dealer information. The process is designed to be user-friendly and can be performed by both admins and corporate users. By following these steps, you ensure that the dealer information is accurately entered and ready for use within the system. This simplifies dealer management and enhances operational efficiency on the DFX platform.

How To Access On DFX Platform

Platform Panel -> Dealers -> Upload Dealer

Steps to onboard dealers in DFX platform


Dealers can be uploaded by either the admin or the corporate.

Follow these steps to successfully onboard a dealer onto the DFX platform.

  1. Click Upload Dealer.

  2. Select the desired corporate from the dropdown menu.

  3. Fill in the dealer details in the file.

  • Dealer Name - Enter the name of the dealer.

  • Dealer Code - Input a unique code assigned to the dealer.

  • Dealer PAN No. - Provide the Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the dealer.

  • Dealer Authorized Person Name - Enter the name of the person authorized to represent the dealer.

  • Dealer Authorized Person Email - Input the email address of the authorized person.

  • Dealer Authorized Person Mobile No. - Enter the 10-digit mobile number of the authorized person.

  • Dealer Credit Period (in days) - Specify the credit period in days allowed for the dealer.


Learn more about Invoice Credit Period.

  • Entity Type - Specify the type of entity the dealer represents.

  • Dealer Address - Provide the complete address of the dealer.

  • Dealer State - Enter the state where the dealer is located.

  • Dealer Country - Specify the country where the dealer is located.

  • Dealer City - Enter the city where the dealer is located.

  • Dealer Pincode - Input the postal code or PIN code of the dealer's location.

  • Dealer CIN - Provide the Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of the dealer.

  • Dealer Bank Account No. - Enter the bank account number of the dealer.

  • Dealer Bank Name - Input the name of the dealer's bank.

  • Dealer Bank Branch Name - Specify the branch name of the dealer's bank.

  • Dealer Bank IFSC Code - Input the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) of the dealer's bank.

  • Dealer ifcp -

  • Financing Bank - Specify the bank responsible for providing financing to the dealer.

  1. Save the file in your system.


The filename format should be CRED_CORPORATECODE_DEALER_ddmmyyyy.

  1. Click Browse and select the saved file.

  2. Click Upload.

  3. Click OK. Upon clicking this button, the dealers are forwarded to a checker who reviews, validates, and approves the submitted details. Once the details are approved, the dealers get successfully uploaded for the corporate in DFX platform.

Next Step: Dealer Configurations

Refer Dealer Configurations to add different configurations for the dealer.

Last updated